How Official Rape Statistics Are Distorted And
Note: The piece below will show you how researchers into rape
inflate their figures by a factor of 50, 100, 200 etc.
Have You Been Raped
Think very carefully about
the following question.
1. Has anyone, male or female, ever put fingers or objects in your vagina or
anus against your will, OR by using force OR threats?
Please take especial note of, and understand, the implication of the word
'OR' in the above paragraph.
Quite clearly, "Against your will" is good enough!
So, here comes an extremely common scenario that is, in fact, to be
officially classed as a 'rape' ... ...
"You'll really enjoy it Mary."
"Be careful, Patrick. Don't."
Pant. "Aaaah! No, you mustn't." Pant. Sigh. " Oh. Oh. Not so
hard." Squeal. "Ow! Do it gently. Oh yes, that's better. Yes, that's
nice. Do it that way."
Believe it or not, what happened after the word
"Don't", is counted as 'rape' in the rape statistics.
Patrick acted against Mary's will.
Mary could even be standing in a
courtroom claiming quite accurately that she told Patrick not to do whatever he
"I said, DON'T," she could claim.
And she would be telling the truth.
But the main point here is this ... Mary could truthfully
answer Yes to Question 1.
And, in fact, many Mary's
will answer Yes to Question 1
she becomes part of the rape statistics - even
though she LOVED what actually happened.
As such, many Marys will be counted as victims of rape - even though they LOVED what actually happened.
Question 1. was
used in the most recent MAJOR American survey of sex-assaults, and the
fraudulent figures derived from it were the ones presented to the government and
to the media.
Here is Question 2. from the same survey.
2. Has anyone, male or female, ever
ATTEMPTED (my emphasis) to make you have vaginal, oral,
or anal sex against your will but intercourse or penetration did NOT (my
emphasis) occur?
Once again, Mary could truthfully answer, Yes.
But much of a young man's sexual life consists in persuading his partner to go 'one
step further', in the sexual sense.
There is always 'one step further'!
According to Question 2, therefore, virtually
every young man is a serial rapist, for he has often 'attempted' to overcome that 'initial'
resistance to sexual 'penetration'.
And so it is that the official US 'rape'
figures come mostly from affirmative answers to such ridiculous questions as 1.
and 2. above.
Nearly all of us have both raped and been
raped according to these stupid questions.
Goodness me. What man alive has not 'attempted' (unsuccessfully, remember) to
have sex with someone who, at that particular moment, was somewhat unwilling?
And now, here comes the important bit ...
And now, here comes the important bit ...
There will be many women who will answer the above questions in a
manner which erroneously suggests
that they have been assaulted when, in fact, they are just trying to be
extremely accurate in interpreting those questions.
"Hmm. Yes. I did actually say, 'No', to begin with, didn't I?"
"Hmm. Well, I was unwilling to begin with, wasn't I?"
"Hmm. He did stop. But he did ATTEMPT to have sex with me, didn't he?"
And this percentage of women, even if small, will massively inflate
the rape figures; which, themselves, are small.
Imagine, for the moment, that 1 out of every 1000 women who answered
these questions had indeed been raped; i.e. 0.1% of these women.
Now, what if just 5% of all the women who were surveyed (i.e. 50 of them) thought; "Well, I did resist
at first, didn't I? So
I had better answer YES to the questions."
the rape figures would be inflated to be 50 times
greater than the actual incidence of rape.
Well, in this case, the rape figures would be inflated to be 50 times greater
than the actual incidence of rape.
Only one woman (out of the 1000) was actually raped, but 50 women state
that, at some stage, they said, "No."
And if 1 in 5000 of the women surveyed had genuinely been raped, but
10% of all the women had answered Yes (simply to be 'accurate' when
answering the questions) then the rape figures would be inflated by a
factor of 500.
1 out of the 5,000 women was raped - but the 'official' figures will
say that 500 of them were raped.
As such, one can see how even slight variations in the questions, or in
the interpretation of them, can lead to huge fluctuations in the figures.
And, needless to say, this trick is used by 'researchers' working for
the abuse industry in all sorts of areas where they use surveys.
Basically, what they do is this.
They 'investigate' some inappropriate behaviour (such as domestic
violence, sex assault, rape etc etc) and define it in such a way that it
sounds 'bad', and 'very serious' - and rare; so that enough people are
Then they issue a questionnaire that is loaded in some major ways so
that the results that are found are the results that are wanted.
And one trick is to make at least one of the questions slightly
ambiguous. Only some 5% of the respondents then need to be caught out by
this ambiguity, and the figures for the inappropriate behaviour will soar;
30, 50, 100, 200 times greater than is the case in reality.
And if the sample of the women questioned has been politicised by
feminists in any way (e.g. particularly as typically found in many
colleges and universities) then the rape figures can easily be inflated
by 500 as young women falsify their responses in order to 'help the
Sisterhood'. No
wonder westerners think that they have such a huge rape problem when even
government-appointed officials and their complicit academics lie so blatantly through their phony research. But
this happens all over the feminist world.
 If you want to see
how Americans fiddle the figures to demonise men and get lots of funding on the
basis of such fraudulent procedures take a look here
(20 min)
at the recent report published by the National Institute of Justice
Questions 1. and 2. can be found near the bottom of the piece. And
here in the Sacremento Bee
you will find one of the many articles concerning the way in which American
universities can get millions of dollars in funding by inflating their sex-assault figures.
In this particular case, there was, apparently, one rape on campus
between 1995 and 1998. But the university fills out a report claiming that
there are 700 rapes or attempted rapes EVERY YEAR.
In other words, one assault turns into 2,000.
Now, you might think that all this is some kind of aberration, a freak
occurrence, a rare event, an uncommon deception.
But you would be so wrong.
turning just one incident of abuse into 100 is
almost par for the course
Read some more of this website, and you will see that turning just one
incident of abuse into 100 is almost par for the course when it comes to
the figures emanating from government-funded groups.
whole abuse industry lives almost solely on a tissue of lies - and it is mostly
done at the
expense of all men; not only in the way in which they are constantly portrayed and
demonised, but also in the corrupt laws and procedures that are continually being
created and used against them as a result of these lies. Look at questions 1. and 2. again. They
are PURPOSELY designed to inflate the rape figures - and they do so enormously.
To put it bluntly: If you are a man, you are being demonised all over
the place by the media, the abuse industry, the feminists and your very
own government on the basis of statistical tricks, data manipulation and
Worse, the 'relationship laws' - to do with domestic violence,
sex-assault, rape, sexual harassment etc etc - and the associated,
thoroughly prejudicial, anti-male procedures now used in the courtrooms
(and on many American college campuses) are
mostly justified on the basis of this type of chicanery.
Because, you see, on the basis of these fraudulent statistics, the
media, the abuse industry, the feminists and your very own government are
forever proclaiming that you MEN out there are continually getting away
with the most horrible things.
And in the case of the media, the abuse industry, the feminists and
your very own government, this kind of demonisation turns into money,
public support and votes.
As if this was not enough, the legal profession makes billions from it.
Academics get funded for it. Police officers can get overtime for it. And
psychologists and therapists have never known their businesses to be so
Of course they fiddle the statistics!
Their careers and their livelihoods depend to such a very large extent
on it.